
Daveb's profile

Daveb's tracks ( 24 )

which way is faster (4)

air ride (0)

gopro hd hero (2)

all timing (-1)

how fast can you go (-3)

cool (-2)

floating land (-4)

google (-5)

knifes and swords (-2)

hills (-1)

the diamond (-3)

dont go too fast (2)

impossible (-1)

lines (-7)

rocky mt (3)

back yard bmx (-6)

bad lands (25)

sweetneess (-4)

oh yah (0)

world record jump (1)

lord of the rings (-4)

ouch (-6)

downhill and jumps (-4)

bumps and jumps (-5)

Daveb's top records ( 1 / 17 )

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