
cheetos's profile

cheetos's tracks ( 23 )

ramp (0)

random rate 1up (-5)

volcano (2)

go fast (-2)

long track (-1)

imagination (-1)

ramps (-2)

gravity time (1)

first wheel (-1)

ramps and speed (5)

cannonball (-3)

mr booster (1)

meow (-4)

goal mania (2)

gravity time (-4)

checkpoint mania (-1)

watch out (-2)

goal mania (-2)

bomb mania (2)

be very careful (-1)

lots of boosts (-1)

lots of lines 1 (-2)

lucky one (-2)

cheetos's top records ( 0 / 9 )

COOKIE POLICY / Copyright 2010-2024 by Maxime SIMON