
emilyderek's profile

emilyderek's tracks ( 31 )

short (-7)

around (-5)

best (-6)

energy (-2)

impossible (-3)

mountain biking (-2)

number 2 (-4)

my best one so far (-5)

no way (-2)

race to the end (-6)

crash (1)

asdf (-6)

i was bored ok (-2)

canvas (1)

gtfo (-6)

monter (-1)

panorama (2)

around (6)

the ex (-6)

short just like you (-5)

cupcaks are good (-3)

mt lolz (-2)

bunny hill (0)

vote (-1)

lolol (0)

grol (-3)

the small mase (-5)

trolololol (-5)

trololol (-6)

lolz (-6)

damb my first track (1)

emilyderek's top records ( 1 / 13 )

around by emilyderek (6)
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